Watch two officers escort mama duck and her babies through a busy city

"It reminds us of the 1941 children's book Make Way for Ducklings."

Animals | 07 March 2020, 08:06
Watch two officers escort mama duck and her babies through a busy city -

On one sunny afternoon at the downtown in Saskatoon, Canada, the busy traffic stood still for a few captivating minutes when a couple of kind-hearted police officers escorted a mama duck and her fluffy babies toward the South Saskatchewan River.

Image via metrouk2

Marching duck families are common sights at the beginning of spring when the first buds started to sprout from the once snow-covered Earth. The ducklings hatch during this beautiful time of year, and within 24 hours of hatching, the mother ducks lead their little ones to water. The yearly stuff normally goes off without a hitch.

Image via sinclairstoryline

Unfortunately, this particular mama duck couldn’t stand to lay her eggs in the shrubbery and spawned in a busy area. It reminds us of the 1941 children's book Make Way for Ducklings, a friendly police officer helps a family of ducks safely navigate the busy roads of Boston.

Image via viraltales

So that’s the backstory of the marching fluff balls that the commuting people of Saskatoon saw that morning. Take a look at this hilarious video. It will make you smile:



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